Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Study Day Evaluations; 9 November

From Carol:

Here is the feedback from the second year study day.  Overall, this is really positive, particularly as it is a second year event ..... and the verbal feedback we received at the SSCC suggests that they liked the format.

General Comments
  • " Just what I needed some inspiration and something to reinforce I am doing it right!"
  • "Sometimes it needed to be more interactive"
  • "Really enjoyed the workshops, just wished they were longer"
  • "You should make it compulsory not to eat lunch in college groups"
  • "Hot food in the cold weather would be nice" (lots of Leicester College students)
  • "Quality of catering was excellent"
Comments about the first lecture (Victor Allen)
  • "Motivational, very interesting"
  • "Liked him but wanted more links"
  • "Engaging and relevant"
  • "Fantastic"

Comments about the second lecture (Andy Kirkpatrick)
  • "Bizarre" (many)
  • "Inspirational" (many)
  • "Hilarious, cried with laughter"
  • "Couldn't see the point"
  • "A bit risque for me" (two people)
Overall, the feedback about the workshops was really positive and for those of you who like to see a few numbers:
  • 83  evaluations were returned
  • 89% were aware of the content prior to the day (only one student said 'not at all')
  • Victor Allen - 98%  said excellent or good and most comments were positive.
  • Andy Kirkpatrick - reviews a little more mixed but 90% still said good or excellent.
And for the workshops themselves................
  • Dyslexia - 71% said excellent or good.
  • The power of language - 90% said excellent or good.
  • Embedding maths ....89% said excellent or good.
  • and .............. lost in differentiation got 100% score!
  • The slight disappointment was the QTLS workshop which scored 68%.... but then again, this is still important.
A  few comments about the workshops:
  • "Mark is excellent really enjoyed this"
  • "I really wanted to go to this one - can we have a bigger room next time?""I loved this workshop - the two presenters were really well informed"
  • "Thank you, I wanted more!"
  • "What was delivered was excellent"
and the comments about the QTLS session:
  • "Good but maybe better in the centres"
  • "I have read all of the information online"
Overall, the day got a score of 96% excellent or good!  This is probably the best year two result we have had and it makes the effort worthwhile (almost).  Thank you again to everyone who helped things to run smoothly.

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