Saturday, 3 March 2012

Year 2 final study day, 3 March: from the technology session.

Many thanks to David Andrews and Carol Thompson for this session. They have posted their links and materials on BREO--just a reminder of how to find them:

  • Log on to BREO
  • Go to the Post-Compulsory Education site.
  • Choose Study Days from the list on the left of the screen
  • Then Year 2 Study Day--Saturday 3 March.
  • Open the 'E' and technology enhanced learning folder.
Other recommendations from within the group were for:
  • SMART Exchange; resources to use with a Smart board
  • Dipity: create interactive timelines with linked and embedded resources for everything from an historical story to a project plan
  • On a larger scale; BookType is the way to create your own text-books, for print or e-book platforms
  • Wolfram Alpha; you'll never know what it can do until you try it, and even then you won't...
Do add more in the comments! And see previous material in the same vein here and here (from the corresponding session last year).