Friday, 11 October 2013

More from the Study Day...

The video from Mark's session is now available in two parts because of space limitations:

You'll note that I have put it on TeacherTube rather than YouTube, just to introduce that site if you don't know it: there are lots of great resources on the site.

There will shortly be a better-quality version, in one part, on the VLE; I had to drop some of the quality because of limitations of file size on the open site.


From Peter: The headlines:
  1.   We had 115 evaluations returned.
  2.   95% thought that the day was good or excellent
  3.   96% thought Sue Cowley was excellent (2% said she was average......)
  4.   91% thought Mark B's differentiation session was good or excellent (60% said excellent)
  5.   89% thought Mark T's ICT session was good or excellent (64% said excellent)
  6.   73% thought the library session was good or excellent (29% said excellent)
  7.   96% said that they were aware of the content of the study days prior to the event (58% very well informed)
Discussion Groups

Peter has been busy setting up discussion groups based on the requests you made on the Study Day, which  fell into the following groups. 
  1. Behaviour Management 
  2. Child Protection and Dealing With Self Harm 
  3. Creativity in the Classroom 
  4. Designing creative assignments and resources 
  5. The General Moans and Groans about teaching thread
  6. Learners with additional needs 
  7. Religion in the classroom 
  8. Session Planning 
  9. Teaching Art and Design
  10. Teaching criminology
  11. Teaching ESOL 
  12. Teaching Functional Skills 
  13. Teaching Maths 
  14. Teaching outside the mainstream 
  15. Teaching practical subjects 
  16. Teaching Travel and Tourism 
  17.  Using social networking in education 
  18. Course specific issues - a tutor will respond to you as soon as possible.
Of course their success does depend on you! To get to them, log on to BREO and scroll down the left hand panel, past all the individual centres to "Discussion Boards".

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