The video from Mark's session is now available in two parts because of space limitations:
There will shortly be a better-quality version, in one part, on the VLE; I had to drop some of the quality because of limitations of file size on the open site.
From Peter: The headlines:
- We had 115 evaluations returned.
- 95% thought that the day was good or excellent
- 96% thought Sue Cowley was excellent (2% said she was average......)
- 91% thought Mark B's differentiation session was good or excellent (60% said excellent)
- 89% thought Mark T's ICT session was good or excellent (64% said excellent)
- 73% thought the library session was good or excellent (29% said excellent)
- 96% said that they were aware of the content of the study days prior to the event (58% very well informed)
Peter has been busy setting up discussion groups based on the requests you made on the Study Day, which fell into the following groups.
- Behaviour Management
- Child Protection and Dealing With Self Harm
- Creativity in the Classroom
- Designing creative assignments and resources
- The General Moans and Groans about teaching thread
- Learners with additional needs
- Religion in the classroom
- Session Planning
- Teaching Art and Design
- Teaching criminology
- Teaching ESOL
- Teaching Functional Skills
- Teaching Maths
- Teaching outside the mainstream
- Teaching practical subjects
- Teaching Travel and Tourism
- Using social networking in education
- Course specific issues - a tutor will respond to you as soon as possible.
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