Monday 3 August 2009

"Professor Coffield writes in a personal capacity"

From last week's Times Educational Supplement, in case you missed it, Frank Coffield is following up on "Just Suppose Teaching and Learning became the First Priority" (2008), which is required reading for the course.

Incidentally, if this blog is correct, it looks as if he has won one victory; the DfES (remember when we had a ministry with "education" in the title?) appears to have withdrawn its booklet on learning styles.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    You might also be interested in these articles from 2005, prior to the booklet being withdrawn:

    You can see the evidence for the withdrawal on the National Strategies part of the Standards Site: - "Unit 19: Learning Styles' has been withdrawn"

    Although it's still available on some local authority websites:

